When deciding on a payment processor for your business, it’s important to consider several key factors.
Say Hello to Our New Family Members
Taylor Ruthven is a Unicorn and Hilltopper (native Austinite and St. Edwards University graduate). She became interested in taxes one year when she didn’t want to pay for TurboTax and …
Tax Brackets For 2021: Are You Withholding Enough?
If you are a W-2 employee, you can change the amount of your Federal withholding at any time to ensure you aren’t hit with a big tax bill when you …
Add Your Spouse or Partner’s Email
As the IRS and other institutions allow for electronic signatures on many tax and legal documents, Next Step Enterprises LLC is collecting and updating all our clients’ and their spouses/partners …
COLLECT W9s from contractors and vendors NOW
The start of a new year can be hectic for business owners. The last thing you should be doing in January is trying to collect W-9s from your contractors and …
Lifetime Capital Gains Exclusion on Primary Residence
Everyone who owns a home that is their primary residence is entitled to a lifetime exclusion on taxable gains from the sale of their primary residence of $250,000 for individuals …
Home Improvement Tracking for Primary Residence
Reduce the taxable gains when you sell your primary residence by tracking your home improvements. The improvements you make plus the purchase price (adjusted basis) will increase the cost basis …
1031 Exchange
How can you keep from paying capital gains tax when you sell a rental house or other income producing property? The answer could be to do a 1031 Exchange.